Tara walked hurriedly through the crowd...multi-tasking her way to her destination. She toggled between glances at her phone, rummaging through her purse, and looking back to make sure the bus wouldn't leave her. Tara was petite in stature, which kept her line of sight at best...right at most people's shoulders. The pedestrians bustling in the opposite direction of her seemed extra tall today. "I can't be late...geez, move it people!" she mumbled. She'd receive a shoulder bump here, a duck and dodge there...making her feel like a lab mouse in a maze. Finally, as she was clearing the sea of city-goers...Tara bumped directly into a brick wall. Not an actual brick wall, but he felt like one. He was freakishly tall and very stoic in his expression. His build was medium but he had the face of a large man. His eyes seemed larger than normal as well. Dressed like a businessman except for a large Stetson, he seemed to fit in. He smashed the book into her chest swiftly and roughly saying, "Take this...go...NOW!" Tara said, "I don't want it...HEL..." she began to summoning help, but he commanded her mouth closed with his hand gently at her jugular. "I will not hurt you...but, those seeking the book will. Keep going straight, a cab will stop at the corner, get in, say nothing...you will be driven somewhere safely. DO NOT OPEN THE BOOK!!" he ordered. He stepped to his left and walked away. When she turned around, Tara saw him slip between two people and he became lost as quickly as he'd appeared. She turned back around and walked to the corner. The cab stopped, she got in, she said nothing and the driver took off. He didn't even attempt to make eye contact through the rear view mirror. Tara looked down at the book, a forest green tome, thick with at least 800 pages and covered in moss with a symbol of a brass owl on the front. Tara did the one thing she wasn't supposed to...she opened the book. The cab shook violently, lit up like the sun, rose from the pavement and twirled clockwise over and over. The cab driver and Tara disappeared from the city's street. Two blocks down...around a corner and behind a building...the tall cowboy felt her open the book and uttered, "salvum me fac!"...then disintegrated into silver dust...
Here’s where I’m Speaking Next Week
4 years ago
2 scopers scoping:
Why can't people just follow directions? (smh)
You know folks ain't got no ack right!
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