Do you believe in zodiac compatibility? Who is your best match from experience? You worst?
I am a Capricorn. I have Aquarius Rising. I have a PiscesMoon. I have Sagittarius in both my Love (Venus) and Sex/Aggression (Mars) planets. I believe that having my major influences in ALL elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire, respectively) that it makes me a very even-keeled person. I can lose it when I'm pushed to my limits. That fire will burn your ass. I can get kinda cold too, Capricorns can be some icy mofos...but, I'm sure my Pisces Moon influences my artistry, my psychic connection and ability to see the rosy side of things. That Aquarius, with it's genius flashes and "weirdo" outlook is me all I'm accounted for in each position. Having said that...
Yes, I do believe in Zodiac compatibility, lol...
From experience...none of them mofos I've been
Every one I've had has been the worst match...lmao
Okay seriously. I will say that I had the most passion/chemistry with an Aries and a Gemini. Up close and personal? I've had an Aries man snatch my clothes off with one hand. *woooo* I've also had a Gemini (that 1st damn love) make it HOT. ::fanning:: The only thing about BOTH of them is that they're HUMONGOUS flirts...and that potentially makes their attention spans short. In other words...cheaters. Not ALL, but MINE.
I lived with a Virgo and sexed one. If I can help to both again. Virgo men are too passive for me or too aggressive. It's like either they have NO backbone...or are crazy as fuck. MY experience. Sex with either was mediocre at best. *yawns*
I sexed a Pisces...and other than his ability to, as I like to say fondly..."lick my rice bowl clean"...his stroke left a little to be desired. I felt like he got too overzealous and missed the mark on how to let it do what it do. This is MY Pisces experience, not everyone's. He also wanted to cling and claim in a casual situation. Often trying to force us into a love thing, when he couldn't even quit cussing long enough to say anything nice. Perhaps I liked that...I didn't want anything else and we all know that most highly passionate situations can lead to equally passionate sex. The latter...not so much.
I've dabbled in the dynamic of a Libra (attracted yes, a Too self-involved)
Also, I had an Aquarius boyfriend in HS...he was cool, but a playa. Taurus are not my cup of tea. I've had a little chemistry with one...but we're better as friends.
I actually believe that I'll be most compatible with an Air or Fire sign. I love the aggression...but in it's PLACE! I don't like being told what to do unless I'm for damn sure that he's got my best interest at heart and I require that correction. I don't mind taking a lil direction...but, I won't be dominated completely. There's a dominatrix deep in me that it my Capricorn nature ;)
Well I'm a Libra and so was my I guess that I dated myself lls...I it started out perfect (first 5yrs) ended roughly (last 2yrs)...she was def self absorbed, but is that me Idk..I would like 2 think not..but I am very opinionated which has been a prblm in all my latest relationship was wit a gemini...lets just say that I didn't know which 1 i was dealing wit on day 2 day basis (2 personalities lol)..but 2 me that's just experience...I really don't believe in the signs having 2 be compatible
I'm into it Champ...and truthfully, there are way more components to the stars' influence than just the sign you were born into (for you, Libra). The compatibility of you and your mate may lie in the cross-compatibility of your sun, rising, moon and's an interesting thing. I love it. I love figuring out the dynamics of things and finding confirmation. TRUE geek. lol did you get the if I was to have a certain sign rising. Guess it would help for me to get an in depth analysis by the time I get to my day 12...
No Labels~ Hit my inbox. Give me your birthdate (including time) and I will give you a list of what signs are in the planets.
Lee~ Sounds like you're attracting either Libras or Scorpips (or both). Scorpios and Sagittarians can make a surprisingly cool match, if they're ready to commit. Libras tend to work Sagittarians' nerves...while Sag folks tend to hurt...well EVERYBODY'S feelings. (Y'all suckas can be HARSH) lol
I always attract Leo & Sag woman but my sign(Cap)says that I'm more compatible with Virgo woman??? Oh and I dated a Capricorn too and we pretty much analyzed ourselves out of the picture and over thought everything.
Yea Bruh...Cap on Cap is almost a crime. LOL The sex might be the only thing that's poppin'. You may have some other influences that brings those fire signs into your life...Maybe your rising, moon or Venus/Mars
I'm a lover AND a fighter...I like the folks most don't. I walk to the beat of a drummer....who isn't REALLY in the band, but got the best beats. I am big on love..."I see you" where you're at...hopefully this blog helps you to see me, as well. Either Love me...or leave me alone!
Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, just as they are, chaff and grain together; certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then with the breath of kindness blow the rest away. - a quote by Dinah Craik
8 scopers scoping:
Well I'm a Libra and so was my I guess that I dated myself lls...I it started out perfect (first 5yrs) ended roughly (last 2yrs)...she was def self absorbed, but is that me Idk..I would like 2 think not..but I am very opinionated which has been a prblm in all my latest relationship was wit a gemini...lets just say that I didn't know which 1 i was dealing wit on day 2 day basis (2 personalities lol)..but 2 me that's just experience...I really don't believe in the signs having 2 be compatible
I'm into it Champ...and truthfully, there are way more components to the stars' influence than just the sign you were born into (for you, Libra). The compatibility of you and your mate may lie in the cross-compatibility of your sun, rising, moon and's an interesting thing. I love it. I love figuring out the dynamics of things and finding confirmation. TRUE geek. lol did you get the if I was to have a certain sign rising. Guess it would help for me to get an in depth analysis by the time I get to my day 12...
I always seem to attract men born in october
No Labels~ Hit my inbox. Give me your birthdate (including time) and I will give you a list of what signs are in the planets.
Lee~ Sounds like you're attracting either Libras or Scorpips (or both). Scorpios and Sagittarians can make a surprisingly cool match, if they're ready to commit. Libras tend to work Sagittarians' nerves...while Sag folks tend to hurt...well EVERYBODY'S feelings. (Y'all suckas can be HARSH) lol
I always attract Leo & Sag woman but my sign(Cap)says that I'm more compatible with Virgo woman??? Oh and I dated a Capricorn too and we pretty much analyzed ourselves out of the picture and over thought everything.
Yea Bruh...Cap on Cap is almost a crime. LOL The sex might be the only thing that's poppin'. You may have some other influences that brings those fire signs into your life...Maybe your rising, moon or Venus/Mars
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