...Bonus Day: Pick a day you haven't described and share
Well, first off...THANK YOU CHALLENGE TAKERS!!! I appreciate all of those who have participated (and are finishing up) for taking on this little blog exercise. Once or twice a year I try to take one of these on to bring about a myriad of goals. I strive to have consistency in writing, to blog things that mean something to each and every one of us on a personal level and for you who have a blog (or 5 like me) ...it's a way to keep your audience's attention. I go so long between blog posts that it feels like a ghost town, but these challenges keeps the writer in me and the blogger some love...on their toes.
On to this last day's challenge...
I had a lot of days that I didn't get to share. In retrospect, I found a lot of days that could've been a part of this challenge...but, hey...hindsight is 20/20. Anyway. I'm gonna play a little bit of "The Day I met..." and factor in MANY days, Hey! It's my DAY, I'll dump a whole buncha days in iffin I wanna!!! O_O
I'll do it chronologically for my mind's sake. lol:
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la tres mariposas |
<3 Joy & Celeste: HA! I met Joy and Celeste on DECEMBER 6th of 2008! We'd been howdy-doodying online for a bit and decided to have a meeting of the butterflies. SO, Mama Butterfly, Butterfly Effect and the Celestial Butterfly met at Joy's apartment in the Bronx and made a weekend of it. I ain't gone tell y'all ALL of the debauchery and fuckshit that went down, just know...divorcing these two is NOT an option...we all know too much about each other. ctfu
OH, that sucka JOY? FIRST thing she said to me upon meeting me at the train station, "DAMN Kiwi...you LIGHT-skinneded!!" yea...that is why I punch her every time I see her. lol
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a diva and an almond |
<3 DIVA: I met Diva on an October weekend in 2009. (I think it was '09). Anyway. Joy and I went to the airport, picked her up, hopped a taxi and headed to the SAME hotel I had my birthday weekend in 3+ years later! We had fun. We went to MAC and got make up, went out to eat, got drunk, talked shit, and had SOME one O_O send us a nassy pic to which we passed around like drunken college boys. lmaooo. GOOD times I tell ya...GOOD times.
three smexy summabiscuits |
<3 Maria: On the weekend of 911 in 2011, Joy and I met Maria in Times Square with her then-boo and we commenced to cut up. I got a little tipsy, but that's par for the course. lol We ate, laughed, took pics around the table and had the best couple of hours we could fit in until Ria had to go. :( ...it was on THAT weekend that I found out Maria ain't THAT much taller than me. Yea, she thought she'd be towering over me. NOT. psssh...old delusions of grandeur type shit. lol
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deebo and kali simpson lol |
<3 DeAnna: Me and Dee met in Boston, Mass on the weekend of June 29th 2012...because she was stalking Phil Perry's schedule. lol She wanted to go somewhere she'd never been with someone she'd never met and I fit the bill. hehe. She invited me and paid for me to get to her. (Isn't she a doll?) I got there first and waited impatiently for her. I kept looking out the door like, "Where the hell she at?". She'd had a delay and got there just in time to not be TOO late for Phil's performance. We swayed and took pics of him in the dark *ctfu* and once it was over? I LOST her. She'd tracked that man down and I looked up to see that she'd snapped a pic with him. I turned my back for ONE minute...goodness. lol.
We also went on a boat ride, which was lovely...and found a reason to keep going to the concierge for the sinful chocolate chip cookies out of the magic ubbin behind the desk. Doubletree is the DEBIL for that. (I can taste 'em now...)
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squeezing for a pic...wife, dat sucka and me. lol |
<3 Tina: I met my Wife [insider] on my birthday weekend this year. The ORIGINAL plan was for Tina to come before the Christmas holiday, but we couldn't get it together quick enough in that time frame. I suggested she come and spend my 40th with me [and Joy] instead. It was my 40th after all and I'd love for her to be one of the folks I shared it with. So the party snowballed from there. I swear, Joy, Tina and me are frickin CLOWNS. We stayed laughing the entire time. Tina got to meet some old friends of mine as well as my sis, cousin and godsis. We promised we'd have another chance SOON to do more cutting up.
I'm looking forward to not only spending more time with these ladies, but meeting MORE friends in the near future. I can't wait to see who I meet next!! *singing* "Rolling with the homieeeees"
***did you all pick up on the running theme? once I met Joy...we rolled together meeting everyone else (except in Dee's case). Ha!
4 scopers scoping:
Look at All of the Beautiful Smiles!!! *^_^*
An Awesome Way to Wrap It Up!!
You've actually met a lot of your Internet friends. I applaud you for making the effort.
@Andrew~ DANG, kid, I just realized I didn't put you in there! I met. I think I'm gonna edit it. :)
@Reggie~ I was blessed to meet these ladies. I love them all.
It is awesome you met such beautiful spirits!
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