I was watching "Real Chance at Love" and these hoes done lost they Rabid Ass Rabbit minds! For those that don't know, this is a reality show spun off from a spin off. Real and Chance are brothers who both vied for New York's love....who once...no TWICE vied for Flavor Flav's love...who was in love with Brigette Nielson. *phew* Now, that you're caught up...
Chance, challenges his "stable" of chicks on their "love" for him...buy having them get tats for him. One chick gets a "K" on her neck...and her own name doesn't begin with one. HIS real name is Kamal. One chick is getting the word "Stallionaires" on her shoulder which is the trademark the 2 brothers share for their music company. Now, there's a chick they call "Rabbit" who actually ISN'T out of her mind and gets a Chinese symbol. She tells him it means chance, but it really means love...now THAT hoe is smart! LMAO
I know people get tattoos for people all of the time. Love makes you do ignorant shit...I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another...but, this takes the cake. FIRST of all, I am not marking my body for NO mofo. I barely wanna put my own name on me. (Even though I'm considering an alternative and getting Kiwi) but still...to do this for someone who hasn't even chose your ass yet is outdamnrageous! What if this dumb hoe loses? Then she's got a K on her ass for as long as she CAN'T afford to have it removed.
I mean, the prize ain't even money...shit. It's THEM negroes...and we all know what happened on all of the countless "love" series on VH1. EVERY LAST ONE has broken up. (Because they need to do a part 2 for ratings) So, um...do you know what is wrong with these people? Can someone tell me that "I" am the one inhaling noxious fumes...cuz this be some BULLSHIT! Would you do this for someone? Have you? Don't be scurred. LOL
2 scopers scoping:
Girl...I watched ONE episode of this bullshit and called it a day. Ain't no way in the hell. I saw those two clowns on I Love New York and my 14 year old goddaughter, who obviously was in the know of who was doing what, had to catch me up on this!!! You know I had to grill her on if her mama know she acutally watch this shyt...(which she do) but my goddaugther made it CLEAR that she would not go through that EVER. Humph, I was bout to say, SHEIT... godmommy was bout to wail out on that tail if she ever thought about going that rout on a reality show. Chance for love...HA!!! Why can't you just get a regular date? Hope they test themselves for mono and everything else since they are slobbling all over each other...uggghhh!!!
GIRL...I don't even really WATCH it, but I've caught a few episodes in boredom. I watched Flav's and NY's shows...but this shit here is crazy. I have no clue what's happened up til this point, all I know is those fools got INKED up for that fool. Crazy is an understatement. Just plain pathetic!
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