we was vibing
kicking that cool breeze shit
feeling that ooh wee shit
high off an ethereal feeling of
all that jazz we scatted
making beautiful music shit
your voice...the trigger to my smile
and the flips that got my center riled
all good but too good
hadn't happened in a while
coulda sat me on a cloud
propelled by a wisp of breath
the way I
spent hours
or was it minutes
envisioning me on your chest
taking you in
your vapor
invading my sense
sinking into the comfort
of being sent
shit...damn me
I had these ideas
that morphed from
the feeling of being cool
to feeling like love's fool
a burning yen to get swept up
off the hunger we kept up
greedy for time
more time
text dimes
shit...we chimed
but I shoulda just f*@ed you
but no...
I had to go and like yo ass
see past the differences we had
I got high off the shit we shared
and how when no one else cared
we gave a damn
everyday ways faded like close shaves
us flowing like 360 waves
mellowed from some old school shit
stepped up for today
us in the present
making connections
with sighed inflections
that we could if we wanted
be what we wanted
but, shit...
I shoulda just f*@ed you
cuz at least
if I'd just said in my head
girl...he not ready
he'll never hold steady
you're seeing what you like
daydreaming at night
thinking...damn, he aight
so why am I thinking of him
like he got the right?
we bonding, but its not unique...
or is it?
and these fleeting flights of fancy
bout a boy
romancing a woman like me
getting past his own shit
to be what a man should be
I shoulda just f*@ed you...
that way,
I could get that temp fix of flesh
with the momentary belief that we mesh
long enough to breathe you in
with a little sin
we'd get it in
hard and fast
too fast for lust to leave
and love to last
and I could boot that ass ...
and send you home
so, you wouldn't be living in my heart
yea... I shoulda just f*@ed you
11 scopers scoping:
Dayum right...SHEIT!!! A woman feel that way sometimes. Get all wrapped up and emotions get like a roller coaster when in a reality, she should have just got hers and rolled on out. Let him MARINATE in that for a minute. The poem is great. I love it!!!
YES! Exactly...my girl said the words in the title to me in regards to her situation, and a light bulb went off. I said, I GOTCHU! LOL
Thanks, Diamond! :)
U better say that sh*t again, sis!!! Once again...I'm copying & pasting!!!
Just gimme my cut! LOL
awww hot damn!
some negro's aint worth anything but a f*ck...and a f*ck u!
i loved this!!
LOL...you crazy. But, yea...you're right.
This is why I am the person that I am.. hehehe.. I love this.. It reminds me of this guy that I liked (sorta) he told me if we have sex, he wouldn't like me.. So we never had sex.. I never heard from him again either.. So I was like damn.. I should have f@#*Ked him..
I learned the hard way about hearts and feelings.. So I don't really let myself get caught up in it anymore.. You know people use love as it is seasoning on a steak..
Shit, women have needs too. I ain't mad atcha, Kweeni.
@Mah~ Yea...the word love is overused and barely understood. I'm good though...
@Wizzy~ It's not even about needs sweetie...its about getting caught up and not recognizing early enough how simple things could be if we'd just call a spade a spade and not waste time trying to make friendship lust...relationship love.
I HEARD that...fuck em and leave em..LOL I read that two times. Good stuff sis. Sorry it took me so long, I kept getting distracted with shi t. Love it!
Thanks...I definitely liked this one myself. :D
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