`This is the "rundown" of 2008. My year started out STELLARLY! (yea, I made a word up, LOL) I genuinely had a life-changing year...no matter what it ended up looking like.
`The beginning of the year kicked off with love. I brought the New Year in literally being asked to be someone's woman. No doubts that most people can attest that the beginning of love feels wonderful. It's a natural hallucinogen and can be the sunrise in your day. For a long time throughout this year...this love was a very beautiful thing. It exists no longer...and sometimes I wonder if it ever did, but great things came from this experience...so I've decided to take it for what it was and wasn't and be proud of the things I learned.
`My birthday was on the 10th of this year and I have to say it was the best to date. I received a few thoughtful gifts that truly made me feel loved and appreciated. I don't really gauge my birthday on what I receive...but THIS year it was hard not to. My mother and sister gifted me with a laptop *stroking keys with love* so that made my YEAR!
`By February, I was co-hosting a show on Blogtalkradio and breaking out of my shell. I'm a VERY shy person, so public speaking in ANY forum isn't welcomed...yet, there I was. I co-hosted for 8 months and then got my own show. The Kween's Kouch started out as a way to place my own personality on the forefront...but as of right now, it's an occasional springboard for poems and music.
`In late 2007 I acquired a few friends into my circle...one of which is Ebony Eyes (Dionne when I'm being serious). She became my sister and by June of 2008...I was meeting her and Mama (Ebony Krystal) at the Huntsville Airport in Alabama. We spent Dionne's birthday weekend with her and solidified the bond we'd initiated through IM's and phone conversations. Not only was meeting these two ladies a beautiful accomplishment, but the simple journey from NY to AL all by my lonesome for the 1st time was the truest triumph. I also made a shorter trip to Philly to meet our sister, Netty which was equally triumphant. See...I am Narcoleptic. I'd never been anywhere out of state without accompaniment. So, yes *fists pumped* I DID it! :P
`Throughout this year, I've met people who have become very dear to me. Butterfly Effect (Joy) and I bonded through a transitional period for us both. We've been each others rocks and we'll continue to be that. I met her and Curvy Queen (she won't let me tell you her real name, lol) this year as well. We spent a very special weekend together and those two ladies (along with Joy's boyfriend, Rob) helped me get through the loss of the love I found in January. I also became very close to a fellow BTR host, Howelegant (Sandi). She and I have yet to meet, but I am sure 2009 holds a visit in store. Even though I met my girl Danielle in 2007, she and I REALLY became close this year. We bonded in 2007 when I showed a pic and wrote a blog on my godson, Syre's initial struggle for life. Dani was a nurse at the first hospital he was in and she remembered him right away. We've been sisters ever since.
`This year my Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were THE best in almost ever. I had a BALL with my family and also spent time with my godson and his mom. I've found my way out of a shell. I've found myself some sisters. I've found myself some love...and I wont say I've lost it, because I am surrounded by love every day. I wish him the best in his life's journey. For what it was...it was nice. Love ALWAYS resides within me, so even when I've let you in...and you've let yourself out...I still maintain love. That's who I am. I won't ever change to make anyone else feel good about who "I" am.
`I am thankful for God's blessings and lessons and I pray that they've made me stronger, wiser, and better for 2009's gifts of life. Be blessed everyone...I know I am.
16 scopers scoping:
I do believe that I am glad that I finally said something to you and we connected.. No matter what we both go through, you have be the person, who kept me positive...
Well, I'm glad you invited me as a friend on 360...and you're cool with me Mah. I hope that if nothing else I've helped you. You've been there for me too. Keep ya head up for 2009 :)
You'll have a hellava 2009 to right about!!!
I KNOW right? I'm about to kick the DOE off the hinges of 2009! They just aint ready for me!
Its been a year of accomplishments thats for sure. Traveling on your own like that was major. I give you nothing but madd props for that.
Keep smiling in 09' because your passion is infectious.
Your friend,
Uh..but what about me?? :(
Runs away pouting!
@FBC~ Oh boy...I knew there would be someone to say that. Geez...charge it to my mind and not my heart! SHIT! You're one of the 1st I hit up first for EVERYTHING...that ain't good enough? LMAO **kicking rocks**
*addendum* I love my sister, the Blak Chik with the FUNG KE attitude. lol (does it help that I'm coming to see you?)
@Rippa~ Thank you so much for the love...I really appreciate it. You know you're a damn Blog Star, so when you pop up...its a blessing. Can I touch the hem of your pants? LMAO
Biotch! You just kicked a rock at me?? LOL!
You know I loves me some Kiwi..she's the sister that I actually like that I've never had even though I have two sisters already..LMAO!
NOOOOOO I didn't kick rocks AT you BIOTCH! LOL
I'm telling April and nem what you had said.
2008 was fab! But next year will be even better for ya's! :P
I do believe you are correct, Danni! I am ALL for a better 2009!
2009 looks promising. I can't WAIT for the blogs you have in store. I know they gonna be WONDERFUL!
Thank you, bruh. I will try to bring my 2009's experiences to you all fresh and off the presses!
Happy 2009 sweetie!
It's good to reflect back on things in the past year. I'm glad you have grown from your experiences.
Much love to you.
Reflection is necessary indeed. How else will we know what needs fixing on our way out the door to somewhere special? ;)
Thanks Luvologist!
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